Monday, December 25, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 48 - Sister, Why are you Here?

 Jiang Mengyue was also confused and couldn't think of a solution.

At the entrance of Ding Feng Building, Jiang Ning opened the curtain and looked up at the plaque. Ding Feng Building is the number one restaurant in the capital, and its fried shrimps are a specialty.

She raised the corners of her lips and smiled slightly, "Since we are here, let's have a meal and go back."

"Aning!" A shout came from not far away. Jin Weilan stepped out of the carriage and waved happily.

Jiang Ning smiled and stepped out of the carriage, "Weilan, you're here."

"Am I late? You said you want to treat me to some fried shrimp, I am here right away!"

The two walked into Ding Feng Building arm in arm.

Ding Feng Building was full of guests and very lively.

But at this time, the noise upstairs attracted them. Jin Weilan had an active temper and liked to watch the excitement. Naturally, she didn't want to miss it if there was excitement. She immediately took Jiang Ning's hand and said, "Come on, let's go over and take a look!"

The two walked upstairs and found a private room full of people.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"I heard that Master Jin's token was lost, and the thief who stole it hid in this private room."

Jin Weilan poked her head around, but couldn't see anything outside the crowd. She took Jiang Ning's hand and walked inside.

"Get out of the way!" The man looked angry. Someone dared to steal his token. He was desperate for his life. He wanted to catch the daring thief with his own hands!

Bing Lan stood guard at the door, unwilling to let go.

The man lost his patience and pushed Bing Lan away vigorously, "If there is nothing weird inside, why are you holding on to it! The thief who stole my token must be inside!"

He kicked open the door violently.

Both people in the room were startled. Jiang Mengyue's face was pale and ugly, and she subconsciously wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide in the room.

The figures of the two of them were exposed to the public eye.

The man walked in and glanced around. There was indeed no thief hiding in the room.

At this time, Jin Weilan took Jiang Ning's hand and walked to the front, clearly seeing the figures of Jiang Mengyue and Xu Yuanqing in the room.

Jin Weilan was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up. She glanced at Jiang Mengyue and then at the fair-faced man as if she had discovered something extremely interesting.

"Hey, isn't this the Second Miss Jiang? Why is Second Miss Jiang here with a man?"

Jin Weilan's loud voice made everyone react and look over. The woman in the private room was definitely the daughter of Dingyuan Marquis Mansion.

"It's really Second Miss Jiang."

"Why is Second Miss Jiang here? Who is that man?"

Everyone stared at the two people closely and looked at the man with some doubt. The man was dressed shabbily and did not look like a member of an aristocratic family. More importantly, there was no one else in the room. A man and a woman were alone in the same room.

People's eyes became strange, looking at the two of them.

Jiang Mengyue wanted to get into a crack at this moment. She originally wanted to trick Jiang Ning, but she didn't expect that she would be the one who fell into the trap.

Young master Jin was also stunned and looked at the people in the room, his eyes fell on Jiang Mengyue. Second Miss Jiang is ice clear and jade clean, she is a famous talented woman, she is like a snow lotus that is far away in the sky and cannot be picked, how could she be here with a man ......

Bing Lan hurriedly got up and protected her young lady, "Miss..."

Jiang Mengyue lowered her head deeply and wanted to leave quickly.

But how could Jin Weilan let go of this good show? She directly blocked the door and refused to let Jiang Mengyue leave.

Jiang Mengyue was usually very arrogant, her eyes were in the sky, and ordinary people could not see her, but now she had a private meeting with a man in shabby clothes. It was really strange.

Jin Weilan's face was full of excitement.

Jiang Mengyue clenched her hands so tightly that her nails almost dug into her flesh.

Jiang Ning looked at the two of them with a calm face. If she had fallen for Jiang Mengyue's tricks, she would probably be the one being watched at the moment.

She curled her lips and showed a faint sneer.

Jiang Mengyue also noticed Jiang Ning at this moment, and Jiang Ning was actually standing outside the door!

"Sister? Mr. Xu? Why...are you here?" Jiang Ning said.



There will be an extra chapter today to celebrate!

Hope you have a memorable Christmas with your family and friends!

God Bless Everyone!



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