Saturday, December 16, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 30 - Jiang Ning had a good time.

 Chu Yunli just took a sip of tea and put it down. It seemed that it was not to his taste.

Jiang Ning tapped her fingers on the table, constantly reminding herself that she had saved the life of the person in front of her, and it was the regent himself who said he wanted to repay the life-saving grace...

Well, he doesn't seem to have said that. But giving her the jade pendant that he always wears, that's probably what he meant.

Thinking like this, Jiang Ning raised her face and said, "Since the young master has said so, I won't beat around the bush."

"I want five thousand taels."

Jiang Ning spoke calmly and looked directly into Chu Yunli's eyes, very steadily.

Chu Yunli's expression didn't change much. When he heard the huge number of five thousand taels, he didn't even blink, "Five thousand taels?"

"Yes." Jiang Ning nodded and explained further, "I would like to borrow 5,000 taels from Lord Chu, and I will return it in full after one month. If Mr. Chu is worried, you can make a written note."

She was very confident that the price of Cloud brocade cloth would definitely increase. What she lacked now was capital, and it happened that the future regent in front of her could lend it to her.

What she wants to do next requires a lot of money, and she can't do it with just the monthly silver given by the Marquis Mansion.

Chu Yunli looked at the woman in front of him. The woman's eyes were bright and the corners of her lips were slightly raised.

What does she want to do?

Chu Yunli felt curious for the first time.

She was just brought back to the Capital from the countryside. Not long ago she was still a woman doing heavy farm work, but everything she did was unexpected and unpredictable.

Chu Yunli's eyes were inquiring.

Seeing that Chu Yunli didn't answer, Jiang Ning couldn't help but tighten her hand holding the teacup, feeling a little uneasy.

Is five thousand taels too much?

For ordinary people, it is indeed not easy to come up with five thousand taels, but for the Chu family grandson, it should not be difficult.

When Jiang Ning hesitated, Chu Yunli calmly responded, "Okay."

Hearing Chu Yunli's words, Jiang Ning's heart dropped and she smiled brightly, "Lord Chu is indeed a straightforward person. Do you want to sign a letter? I will definitely pay back the money in one month."

"No need." He didn't like these troubles.

"Young Master Chu trusts me so much, I will never let you down."

Jiang Ning felt more and more that she had found the right person. The future regent in front of her was neat and easy to talk to. He was not as cold and ruthless as the rumors said.

In her previous life, the third prince was very afraid of the regent and tried every means to get rid of him. Jiang Mengyue was a party that supported the third prince and was hostile to the Chu family along with the Marquis family.

The so-called enemy of her enemy is her friend, and she can cooperate with the regent in the future.

In Jiang Ning's eyes, Chu Yunli had a glow. He was not only her money bag but also a golden thigh she could hug.

Chu Yunli lowered his eyes lightly and said, "It's not because of trust, but because you don't have to go to such trouble. If you don't pay back the money, I can go to the Marquis Mansion. I think the Marquis Mansion is not short of this money."

Jiang Ning's smile froze slightly, "That's right, Lord Chu is right."

"But don't worry, I will definitely repay the money on time. Before that, I hope the young master will not reveal it to others."

What she does outside must be hidden from the Marquis Mansion, especially Jiang Mengyue.

Chu Yunli knocked on the table twice, and a man who looked like a guard came in from outside the door and said respectfully, "My Lord."

He whispered something.

The man responded and walked out. When he walked in a moment later, he was carrying a wooden box and said, "My Lord, it's ready."

Chu Yunli pushed the wooden box in front of Jiang Ning and said quietly, "Inside is the reward the lady wants."

Jiang Ning accepted the wooden box without ceremony. The wooden box was heavy and probably contained the prepared banknotes. "Thank you, Master Chu. Then I won't bother you anymore."

After saying that, she stood up and left.

Jiang Ning walked quickly and left without looking back as if nothing was as important as the banknote in her arms.

Yuan Feng was stunned for a moment. The person sitting in the private room was the young lord of his family. Every woman in the capital would be obsessed with him when they saw him, let alone a man and a woman in the same room.

But this woman didn't even look at him, just took the money and left?

It seems...that the attractiveness of his Lord cannot be compared to money?


Jiang Ning took the silver and went directly to Jin's Silk shop.

She asked Jin Weilan to meet at the silk shop.

When Jin Weilan saw Jiang Ning, she smiled and waved, "Come on, I've been waiting for you for a long time! I bought some pastries from the street, come here and try them!"

Jiang Ning walked over, put down the wooden box, and said, "Let's get down to business first, this is five thousand taels."

Jin Weilan just took half a bite of the pastry and almost choked. She coughed, beat her chest, and finally swallowed the pastry. 

Jiang Ning opened the wooden box and found a thick stack of banknotes inside. She had not counted them, but it should be five thousand taels. The regent would not deceive her.

"Purchase Cloud brocade cloth as soon as possible, it must be as soon as possible."

There will be continuous heavy rain in Jiangnan soon, so they must buy Cloud brocade cloth before then.

Jin Weilan looked surprised and her eyes widened. They just talked about business yesterday, and today they sent the silver.

How did Jiang Ning get the money?

Jin Weilan was full of questions, "How did you get the money? The Marquis Mansion gave it to you so readily?" Even if she was the daughter of the Marquis Mansion, she would not be allowed to squander so much money!

Jiang Ning replied calmly, "I borrowed it."

"Borrow it, borrow it? Cough cough cough!" Jin Weilan really choked at this moment, her face turned red from coughing.

Jiang Ning poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

Jin Weilan took the teacup and took a few sips.

She really wanted to ask as to whom she had borrowed the money. Jiang Ning had just arrived in the capital not long ago, so she probably didn't know anyone. However... when she saw the pale expression on the woman in front of her, she couldn't ask any questions.

"Okay..." Jin Weilan suppressed the doubts in her heart and nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I will ask the owner of the silk shop to transport the Cloud brocade cloth first to ensure that there will be no mistakes."

"Okay." Jiang Ning smiled slightly.

She was relieved to leave it to Jin Weilan. The Jin family would be supported by Jin Weilan from now on. As for Jin Jingxiu...she sneered in her heart and stopped thinking about it.


Jin Jingxiu has been busy trying to please Jiang Mengyue these days.

Ever since Jiang Mengyue made a fool of herself in the Jin Family Villa, she has locked herself in the house and never left.

Madam Lin felt worried.

The maids in Jiang Mengyue's yard were pale and lived like walking on thin ice every day. As long as the young lady had a bad temper, she would torment them and other servants, making them miserable.

Jiang Mengyue sat sullenly on the rosewood chair. When she saw a pile of pearl jewelry on the table, she frowned angrily and pushed them all to the floor.

"Idiot! You know I'm not in a good mood and you still come to make me angry!"

"If it weren't for him, how could I have made such a big fool of myself!"

"And that Jiang Ning..." Jiang Mengyue gritted her teeth. She was bored in the house and didn't dare to go out. Jiang Ning was living a comfortable life, going shopping with Jin Weilan all day long.

She became even more disgusted with Jiang Ning.


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