Thursday, December 7, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 12 - Ning Ning is so Beautiful

 "Of course you can. You are my mother's dear child. There is no place you shouldn't go." Madam Lin smiled happily, as long as her daughter is willing to go, "Don't be nervous. The Jin family is a family friend of the Lin family, and Madam Jin is also a close friend of your mother, so you should call her aunt." 

"Since we are going to a Flower viewing party, we need to make some outfits..."

Madam Lin asked Aunt Gui to go to the store room to pick out a few pieces of high-quality fabric and ask people from the embroidery shop to come and measure them to make clothes.


When Jiang Mengyue heard that Jiang Ning was going to attend the Jin family's flower viewing party, she couldn't help but tighten her handkerchief.

Mother wanted to bring Jiang Ning to the world and let everyone know Jiang Ning's identity.

Everything she has will be taken away bit by bit by Jiang Ning...

This sense of crisis filled Jiang Mengyue with rage, and she suddenly raised her hand to brush away the tea on the table.

Bing Lan's heart skipped a beat. The young lady was losing her temper again. Ever since Miss Jiang Ning came into the house, the young lady is often in a bad mood and breaks things. This was already the fourth set of tea cups she had broken.

Bing Lan looked at Jiang Mengyue's face and comforted her, "Miss, don't get so angry. Even if Madam takes her to a flower viewing party, she can't compare to you. Miss, you are proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and are recognized in the capital." 

Jiang Mengyue's face was gloomy, and she was so angry that she wanted to tear the handkerchief apart.

How could she not be angry?

Others didn't know it, but she knew clearly in her heart that she was fake and Jiang Ning was the biological child. Madam Lin's move was to reveal Jiang Ning's identity to the world.

But Bing Lan's words touched her heart. Yes, so what if Jiang Ning was her biological child, but she is just an ignorant village girl who grew up in the countryside. Taking her out would only make her embarrassed.

As long as she loses face at the flower viewing party, her mother will be extremely disappointed in her.

Jiang Mengyue's expression softened.

Bing Lan knew that what she said was right and continued, "Young lady, don't be angry. It just so happens that this is a good opportunity to make Madam realize which one is the meat of the palm."

Jiang Mengyue raised the corners of her lips and sneered, "You are right, this is indeed a good opportunity."

As long as Jiang Ning makes a fool of herself, her mother will realize what a mistake it was to take Jiang Ning back to the Marquis Mansion.

She is the daughter of the Marquis family, sensible and gentle, and her reputation as a talented woman has spread throughout the capital. If she attends a party, she will receive numerous compliments.

On the contrary, look at Jiang Ning, who is vulgar and contemptuous. How can a village girl from the countryside be any better? 

A cold look flashed in Jiang Mengyue's eyes. She couldn't wait to see Jiang Ning make a fool of herself on the day of the flower viewing party.

Two days later, it was the day to attend the flower viewing party.

Jiang Mengyue's dress was exquisite and beautiful, and she put more thought into it than before. She wanted to compete with Jiang Ning at this flower viewing party, and let everyone know what the difference between clouds and mud.

There was a carriage parked at the door of the Marquis Mansion. When Jiang Mengyue walked to the door, Jiang Ning had not arrived yet.

Madam Lin looked at Jiang Mengyue and told her, "This is the first time Ning Ning will attend a flower viewing party. She has no acquaintances, so she will inevitably be nervous. Yue'er, you should stay with her more."

"I will." Jiang Mengyue responded obediently.

Of course, she will stay with Jiang Ning, only in this way can the contrast between them be shown.

"Why isn't sister here yet?" Jiang Mengyue raised her head and looked inside, pretending to be concerned.

Mrs. Lin frowned slightly, worried in her heart. She was well prepared in the morning. Could it be that she suddenly changed her mind and didn't want to go?

At this moment, a bright figure stepped out of the door.

Jiang Ning was wearing a light-colored skirt, and her face was sparkling and delicate. Compared to a few days ago, Jiang Ning had changed a lot, which made people's eyes brighten.

Mrs. Lin looked up and down with a happy expression on her face. She liked her daughter no matter what she looked like. But when she saw her daughter looking so good, she felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart and couldn't help but praise, "Ning Ning is so beautiful."

Jiang Ning tugged at the corner of her clothes in embarrassment, "Mom, don't be ridiculous, these are all because of the makeup..."

"It doesn't matter. After a while, I will definitely raise you white and tender."

Jiang Mengyue on the side clenched her hands tightly, and her eyes fell on Jiang Ning, full of disbelief.

Is this still the village girl from the countryside?


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