Thursday, May 5, 2022

MSFOE Chapter 16 - Gu Mang is the Heaven!

 Lu Xiwei raised her chin arrogantly, her eyes filled with contempt as she mocked: "Don't try to show off just because you know some medical skills. Open your eyes and see clearly. Everyone here has authority from the World Medical Organization! You're lucky to see us today."

The military doctor said: "This young lady should stop making jokes, we are going to take the old lady to the operating room."

Lu Xiwei is too lazy to look at her. She snorted. "If you want to make a name for yourself, you have to have the ability. My grandmother is not an experiment."

Lu Shangjin furrowed his brows. His gaze swept across the four people in front of him. His eyes were filled with rage, and his chest is heaving. This people, it's not enough to be unable to accomplish anything but they still make things worse!

In this world, the person who can be better than Gu Mang in terms of medical skills is not yet born. It is better not to argue with people outside of heaven. Gu Mang is heaven!

If Gu Mang is angered, he could guarantee that these people's status today will be their only glorious time in their lives. He took a deep breath, suppressing his anger and looked at Lu Chengzhou, "Chengzhou, if you believe me, give Gu Mang an hour, craniotomy is not urgent in this moment."

"Sixth Uncle! What do you mean by that?" Lu Xiwei glared at Lu Shangjin coldly. "You are blocking grandmother's life! Even I am not sure that grandmother will be cured, this woman is simply saying nonsense! She has hemorrhagic stroke, and two days recovery? It makes people laugh to death!"

In order to be able to climb high branches, these kind of women are going all out.

Lu Chengzhou looked at Gu Mang, who was as calm as a deep pool from start to finish.

After focusing for a few seconds, he turned to the housekeeper and said, "Go and arrange a room for Miss Gu. She will stay here for two days."


The housekeeper was also a little depressed. She was more willing to trust Miss Xi Wei than this young lady. But Third Young Master has already given orders.  

"Third Brother!" Lu Xiwei's eyes reddened slightly. "Would you rather believe an outsider than believe me?!"

What kind of drug did this woman give Sixth Uncle and Third Brother?!

They were all her family, yet they let an outsider do whatever she wanted! Even her treatment as a brain specialist has been ignored.

Lu Chengzhou stared at her coldly and said: "If you don't have the ability to cure illness, don't blame the heavens and accuse others."

Lu Xiwei was blocked speechless.

Gu Mang raised her eyebrows. She is surprised by Lu Chengzhou's unreasonable trust. This man's vision is not bad.

The military doctors knew who is the most important person in the Lu family, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Lu Xiwei's face turned cold. She gritted her teeth and said: "I want to see how she can cure Grandma with acupuncture!"

She glared coldly at Gu Mang. She just doesn't believe that a few broken needles can cure a hemorrhagic stroke.


Gu Mang used the red leather band in her hand and casually pulled her long black hair into a knot and tied it up. She took out the palm-sized black cloth from her backpack. She tossed her backpack to the side. She untied the rope, and the unrolled the black cloth, revealing a thin line of acupuncture needles.


Baihui, Renzhong, Neiguan.

The needles are placed with precision and skill.

Lu Xiwei looked at the pretentious Gu Mang and rolled her eyes disdainfully.

Can a few acupoints cure hemorrhagic stroke?

Acupuncture has always been nonsense and pseudoscience, there is no need for it to exist.


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