Sunday, April 10, 2022

MSFOE Chapter 5 - Bringing your son to a bar

 When Gu Mang and Gu Si arrived, the auction had already started.

Lin Shuang's location was easy to find, and it was the most eye-catching place.

Gu Si had never been to a place like this before, so he kept on cheering "wow" along the way.

"Sis! This place looks like a good place to play! Wow!" He looked like he had never seen the world before.

Lin Shuang looked at Gu Si, who was wearing a black cap, a black denim jacket, black pants, black leather boots, he is so cute that she almost fell over!

"F**k! Little Sister Gu! The child is too cute! You want to lie to me about having a son!"

Gu Mang ignored the fuss and sat on the sofa. She threw a box of Wang Zai milk into Gu Si's arms.

"Don't even think about drinking alcohol." Her words were slow and very intimidating.

Gu Si pursed his lips, and the straw pricked up the milk.

As he watched his sister pick up a bottle of wine herself, she knocked it against the table at a tricky angle. The lid popped open and she grabbed it in her palm and casually threw it onto the table.

His sister is so cool!

Gu Mang took a sip of her wine. "When will the auction begin?"

"It's just starting. The last one is an hour away." Lin Shuang gestured her chin up to the second floor private room, with a quite bad smile, "Lu Chengzhou is there."

Gu Mang raised her head and drank. She looked over lazily.

The man casually sat on the sofa with his arm resting on the back. His black coat was wrapped around his arm, revealing his porcelain white skin. His clean and slender fingers were carrying smoke.

As the light flashed by, the side of his face in the smoke was enough to turn everyone upside down.

Gu Mang looked away. "Oh."

"Oh?" Lin Shuang slightly widened her eyes. "I say, Little sister Gu, you can't look down on Master Lu who has the power to fight you to bring disaster to the country and the people."

Gu Mang spat out three words: "Not interested."

Lin Shuang:"……"


On the Second Floor.

Lu Chengzhou had already noticed her when Gu Mang entered the bar.

It wasn't that he had the spare time.

Instead, Gu Mang brought a child in and was stopped in the bar for questioning.

The staff made way after she said something.

She brought his son to the bar. The commotion below was very noisy.

Gu Mang in particular that face, how many pairs of eyes are staring at her.

The man who was with him followed his eyes and saw the scene.

Qin Fang clicked his tongue," This is the first time I've seen such a combination in a bar."

The child was dressed as a miniature of the woman, wearing all black.

Mother and son look alike.

He Yidu slowly shook his glass and looked at his face. From his perspective, he could see Gu Si's face. His glasses almost slid down. "Little friend is drinking Wang Zai's milk."

Qin Fang stretched his neck and took a look. "Drinking Wang Zai's milk at a bar? Creative."

"They all look good," said He Yidu.

The two women's looks were not the same style.

A woman with her face facing the sky was so beautiful that it made people wonder how her facial features up close looked.

The child also looked very delicate.

Qin Fang nodded.

Lu Chengzhou did not speak.

This group of Eldest Young Masters had only seen anything new for a few seconds and soon lost interest in Gu Mang and the other two.

"Brother Cheng," Qin Fang asked, "You haven't found that Divine doctor yet."

He Yidu raised his head.

Lu Chengzhou's eyes were filled with frustration. He took a deep breath and said, "No, at least two hackers are hiding his whereabouts."

He Yidu was also surprised. "No one has ever seen the Godly Doctor's face. Nobody knows if it's a man or a woman, but since we know there's such a person, there's no reason to have no clues."

Qin Fang said, "It's not that Brother Cheng can't find anyone. Look, every time that Godly doctor appears, he goes to a place where people go. It's either a school or a bar. It doesn't look like a place where a white-clothed angel saves the dead and helps the wounded!"

There are so many people everywhere that we can't find him.

He Yidu nods in agreement. "Brother Cheng, don't worry too much. There are so many doctors in the Lu family. Grandma Lu will be fine."

Lu Chengzhou pressed on the smoke." Is that jade really that godly? Is it more effective than sleeping pills?"

He Yidu said, "I haven't seen or tried it before. It's all rumors. However, the items auctioned in the Heavenly Palace can't be fake."

Mrs. Lu's condition is so serious that she can't sleep peacefully.

They can only keep trying everything in a desperate situation.

Lu Chengzhou glanced at the auction stage and saw that the jade was about to arrive.


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